Grounding your vehicle properly to avoid static electricity is an absolute necessity.

It cannot be ruled out that a fire or explosion could occur as a result of  sparks, but also unpleasant electric shocks that cause a startle reaction make the work unsafe.

To prevent these unsafe work situations, we propose affordable products that make grounding your vehicle child's play.

The SafeGround controller is an earth point verification system with constant monitoring and as a result, this controller will offer continuous protection against fire and / or explosions caused by static discharges.


The SafeGround products have been specifically developed for the heavy industrial sector and are therefore of industrial quality.

 We, at SafeGround, offer products that follow the new SIR guidelines that will come into effect at the beginning of 2021.


Development and assembly of general industrial electronics.

The complete development to production and testing is being done by SafeGround, as well as the software for the microcontrollers.

In addition, we have years of experience in the development of our SafeGround controllers. for example, our SafeGround controllers for industrial cleaning vehicles.

The SafeGround controllers are produced and tested in series and are easily available through our sales channels.

All accompanying products are available, see our shop for more information.